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GitLab's Auto-deploy Helm Chart


  • Helm 2.9.0 and above is required in order support "": before-hook-creation for migrations


Parameter Description Default
replicaCount 1
image.tag stable
image.pullPolicy Always
image.secrets [name: gitlab-registry]
application.track stable
application.tier web
application.migrateCommand If present, this variable will run as a shell command within an application Container as a Helm pre-upgrade Hook. Intended to run migration commands. nil
application.initializeCommand If present, this variable will run as shall command within an application Container as a Helm post-install Hook. Intended to run database initialization commands. nil
application.secretName Pass in the name of a Secret which the deployment will load all key-value pairs from the Secret as environment variables in the application container. nil
service.enabled true web
service.type ClusterIP
service.externalPort 5000
service.internalPort 5000
postgresql.enabled true
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