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Psr\Clock implementations
This repository provides a couple of Psr\Clock
implementations, based on the draft PSR. This currently is not a package, it might become a package when the PSR is accepted.
System time
is the most simple Psr\Clock
implementation that always will return the current systemtime. It essential replaces new \DateTimeImmuitable()
Changing timezones
and its descendants UTCClock
and LocalClock
are facades for other clock that will convert any clocks output to the desired timezone.
// $utc_clock->now() will always return a DateTimeImmutable in the UTC timezone
$utc_clock = new UTCClock(new SystemClock());
// $my_clock->now() will always return a DateTimeImmutable in the Europe/Amsterdam timezone
$my_clock = new TimeZonedClock(new SystemClock(), new DateTimeZone('Europe/Amsterdam'));
Stuck in time
will always return a DateTimeImmutable for the same date and time provided in the constructor.
will always return a DateTimeImmutable for the same date and time, obtained on the first call to now()
will always return a DateTimeImmutable for the UNIX epoch 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
Controlled clocks
allows manual control over the DateTimeImmutable that is returned. It has convenience functions to add or subtract time intervals.
Sequenced clock allow the user to provide a list of DateTimeInterface object that will be returned in sequence. ManuallySequencedClock
progresses to the next provided DateTimeImmutable when calling tick. AutomaticallyProgressingClock
will progress to the next entry when calling now()
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