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View Open IssuesTake a look to see if anyone else has experienced the same issue as you and if they managed to solve it.
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This project provides a dashboard to follow your GitHub repositories workflows.
- PHP >= 8.1
- GitHub Personal Access Token
- Symfony (for local usage)
Install Locally
git clone dashboard
cd dashboard
symfony composer install
symfony composer dump-env prod
symfony server:start
Configure a
GitHub Personal Access Token on the
environment variable.
Create the repositories.yaml
file at the root of your project, as following:
# Repository url without options
# Grouped repositories
API Platform:
# Repository name (default server:
# Follow this branch instead of the default one
branch: develop
# Follow these workflows only
- foo
- bar
The repositories configuration is stored in the cache.repository
cache pool. To clear it, fun the following command:
bin/console cache:pool:clear cache.repository
You can then warm it up:
bin/console cache:warmup
Add your own cache
To prevent to reach the X-Rate-Limit
on GitHub API, a cache has been set on the GitHub client, with 1 week TTL.
To add your own cache on your own client, configure the cache on Symfony and add a CacheClearer class:
# config/packages/cache.yaml
# ...
# ...
adapter: cache.adapter.filesystem
default_lifetime: '1 week'
// src/Cache/FooCacheClearer.php
namespace App\Cache;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\Autowire;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\CacheClearer\CacheClearerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\CacheClearer\Psr6CacheClearer;
final class FooCacheClearer implements CacheClearerInterface
public function __construct(
#[Autowire('@cache.global_clearer')] private readonly Psr6CacheClearer $poolClearer
) {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function clear(string $cacheDir): void
Connect to a Remote Server
By default, only GitHub is supported. But you can easily connect to a remote server (e.g.: GitLab):
// src/Server/FooServer.php
namespace App\Server;
use App\Metadata\RepositoryMetadataInterface;
use App\Model\Workflow;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;
final class FooServer implements ServerInterface
public function __construct(private readonly HttpClientInterface $client, private readonly LoggerInterface $logger)
public function getDefaultBranch(RepositoryMetadataInterface $repository): string
// Call remote server API and return the repository default branch
public function getWorkflows(RepositoryMetadataInterface $repository): iterable
// Call remote server API and yield a Workflow object for each repository workflow
public function getStars(RepositoryMetadataInterface $repository): int
// Call remote server API and return the repository stars number
Note: to prevent to reach any
, you should consider adding your own cache.
Created by Vincent CHALAMON.
Our Mission
We want to make open source more sustainable. The entire platform was born from this and everything we do is in aid of this.
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