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This library is a wrapper around PSR-16 compatible caching libraries providing own features. It is used in Yii Framework but is usable separately.
- Built on top of PSR-16, it can use any PSR-16 cache as a handler.
- Ability to set default TTL and key prefix per cache instance.
- Provides a built-in behavior to cache stampede prevention.
- Adds cache invalidation dependencies on top of PSR-16.
- PHP 8.0 or higher.
PHP extension. -
PHP extension.
The package could be installed with Composer:
composer require yiisoft/cache
There are two ways to get cache instance. If you need PSR-16 instance, you can simply create it:
$arrayCache = new \Yiisoft\Cache\ArrayCache();
In order to set a global key prefix:
$arrayCacheWithPrefix = new \Yiisoft\Cache\PrefixedCache(new \Yiisoft\Cache\ArrayCache(), 'myapp_');
If you need a simpler yet more powerful way to cache values based on recomputation callbacks use getOrSet()
and remove()
, additional features such as invalidation dependencies and "Probably early expiration"
stampede prevention, you should wrap PSR-16 cache instance with \Yiisoft\Cache\Cache
$cache = new \Yiisoft\Cache\Cache($arrayCache);
Set a default TTL:
$cache = new \Yiisoft\Cache\Cache($arrayCache, 60 * 60); // 1 hour
General usage
Typical PSR-16 cache usage is the following:
$cache = new \Yiisoft\Cache\ArrayCache();
$parameters = ['user_id' => 42];
$key = 'demo';
// Try retrieving $data from cache.
$data = $cache->get($key);
if ($data === null) {
// $data is not found in cache, calculate it from scratch.
$data = calculateData($parameters);
// Store $data in cache for an hour so that it can be retrieved next time.
$cache->set($key, $data, 3600);
// $data is available here.
In order to delete value you can use:
// Or all cache
To work with values in a more efficient manner, batch operations should be used:
When using extended cache i.e. PSR-16 cache wrapped with \Yiisoft\Cache\Cache
, you can use alternative syntax that
is less repetitive:
$cache = new \Yiisoft\Cache\Cache(new \Yiisoft\Cache\ArrayCache());
$key = ['top-products', $count = 10];
$data = $cache->getOrSet($key, function (\Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface $cache) use ($count) {
return getTopProductsFromDatabase($count);
}, 3600);
Normalization of the key occurs using the Yiisoft\Cache\CacheKeyNormalizer
In order to delete value you can use:
You can use PSR-16 methods the following way, but remember that getting and setting the cache separately violates the "Probably early expiration" algorithm.
$value = $cache
Invalidation dependencies
When using \Yiisoft\Cache\Cache
, additionally to TTL for getOrSet()
method you can specify a dependency
that may trigger cache invalidation. Below is an example using tag dependency:
* @var callable $callable
* @var \Yiisoft\Cache\CacheInterface $cache
use Yiisoft\Cache\Dependency\TagDependency;
// Set multiple cache values marking both with a tag.
$cache->getOrSet('item_42_price', $callable, null, new TagDependency('item_42'));
$cache->getOrSet('item_42_total', $callable, 3600, new TagDependency('item_42'));
// Trigger invalidation by tag.
TagDependency::invalidate($cache, 'item_42');
Other dependencies:
- invalidates the cache when callback result changes. -
- invalidates the cache based on file modification time. -
- invalidates the cache when specified value changes.
You may combine multiple dependencies using Yiisoft\Cache\Dependency\AnyDependency
or Yiisoft\Cache\Dependency\AllDependencies
In order to implement your own dependency extend from Yiisoft\Cache\Dependency\Dependency
Cache stampede prevention
A cache stampede is a type of cascading failure that can occur when massively
parallel computing systems with caching mechanisms come under very high load. This behaviour is sometimes also called dog-piling.
The \Yiisoft\Cache\Cache
uses a built-in "Probably early expiration" algorithm that prevents cache stampede.
This algorithm randomly fakes a cache miss for one user while others are still served the cached value.
You can control its behavior with the fifth optional parameter of getOrSet()
, which is a float value called $beta
By default, beta is 1.0
, which is sufficient in most cases. The higher the value the earlier cache will be re-created.
* @var mixed $key
* @var callable $callable
* @var \DateInterval $ttl
* @var \Yiisoft\Cache\CacheInterface $cache
* @var \Yiisoft\Cache\Dependency\Dependency $dependency
$beta = 2.0;
$cache->getOrSet($key, $callable, $ttl, $dependency, $beta);
Cache handlers
Below the handler refers to the implementations of PSR-16.
This package contains two handlers:
- provides caching for the current request only by storing the values in an array. -
- does not cache anything reporting success for all methods calls.
Extra cache handlers are implemented as separate packages:
Data serialization
The package provides Yiisoft\Cache\Serializer\SerializerInterface
for data serialization. It can be useful in database, file
or Redis cache implementations. Out of box, you can use Yiisoft\Cache\Serializer\PhpSerializer
that works via PHP functions
and unserialize()
. You can make own implementation, for example:
use Yiisoft\Cache\Serializer\SerializerInterface;
final class IgbinarySerializer implements SerializerInterface
public function serialize(mixed $value) : string
return igbinary_serialize($value);
public function unserialize(string $data) : mixed
return igbinary_unserialize($data);
If you need help or have a question, the Yii Forum is a good place for that. You may also check out other Yii Community Resources.
The Yii Caching Library is free software. It is released under the terms of the BSD License.
Please see LICENSE
for more information.
Maintained by Yii Software.
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