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The package provides useful methods to manage files and directories.


  • PHP 8.0 or higher.


The package could be installed with Composer:

composer require yiisoft/files

FileHelper usage

FileHelper provides static methods you can use for various filesystem-related operations.

Working with directories

Ensure a directory exists:

use \Yiisoft\Files\FileHelper;

$directory = '/path/to/dir';

Ensure a directory exists, and permission specified is set:

use \Yiisoft\Files\FileHelper;

$directory = '/path/to/dir';
FileHelper::ensureDirectory($directory, 0775);

Remove a directory:

use \Yiisoft\Files\FileHelper;

$directory = '/path/to/dir';

Remove everything within a directory but not directory itself:

use \Yiisoft\Files\FileHelper;

$directory = '/path/to/dir';
FileHelper::clearDirectory($directory, [
    'traverseSymlinks' => false,
    'filter' => (new PathMatcher())
        ->only('**.png', '**.jpg')

Check if directory is empty:

use \Yiisoft\Files\FileHelper;

$directory = '/path/to/dir';

Copy directory:

use \Yiisoft\Files\FileHelper;

$source = '/path/to/source';
$destination = '/path/to/destination';
FileHelper::copyDirectory($source, $destination);

Additional options could be specified as third argument such as filter or copyEmptyDirectories. Check method phpdoc for a full list of options.

Copy file:

use \Yiisoft\Files\FileHelper;

$source = '/path/to/file';
$destination = '/path/to/destination';
FileHelper::copyFile($source, $destination);

Additional options could be specified as third argument such as beforeCopy or afterCopy. Check method phpdoc for a full list of options.


Searching for files:

use \Yiisoft\Files\FileHelper;
use Yiisoft\Files\PathMatcher\PathMatcher;

$files = FileHelper::findFiles('/path/to/where/to/search', [
    'filter' => (new PathMatcher())
        ->only('**.png', '**.jpg')

Searching for directories:

use \Yiisoft\Files\FileHelper;
use Yiisoft\Files\PathMatcher\PathMatcher;

$directories = FileHelper::findDirectories('/path/to/where/to/search', [
    'filter' => (new PathMatcher())->except('**meta'),

Path matchers

A PathMatcherInterface can be passed by filter key in the options argument of a method. Both PathMatcher and CompositeMatcher implement the PathMatcherInterface. CompositeMatcher allows using a list of PathMatcherInterface sequentially.

Pattern matching is based on yiisoft/strings package and is described in its readme.


Open a file. Same as PHP's fopen() but throwing exceptions.

use \Yiisoft\Files\FileHelper;

$handler = FileHelper::openFile('/path/to/file', 'rb');

Get last modified time for a directory or file:

use \Yiisoft\Files\FileHelper;

$directory = '/path/to/dir';
$time = FileHelper::lastModifiedTime($directory);

The method is different from PHP's filemtime() because it actually scans a directory and selects the largest modification time from all files.

Remove a file or symlink:

use \Yiisoft\Files\FileHelper;

$file = '/path/to/file.txt';

Normalize a path:

use \Yiisoft\Files\FileHelper;

$path = '/home/samdark/./test/..///dev\yii/';
echo FileHelper::normalizePath($path);
// outputs:
// /home/samdark/dev/yii


If you need help or have a question, the Yii Forum is a good place for that. You may also check out other Yii Community Resources.


The Yii Files is free software. It is released under the terms of the BSD License. Please see LICENSE for more information.

Maintained by Yii Software.

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